In modern societies, collective life is assembled through the superposition of scientific and technical controversies. The inequities of growth, the ecological crisis, the bioethical dilemma and all other major contemporary issues occur today as tangles of humans and non-humans actors, politics and science, morality and technology. Because of this growing hybridization complexity, getting involved in public life is becoming more and more difficult. To find their way in this uncertain universe and to participate in its assembly, citizens need to be equipped with tools to explore and visualize the complexities of scientific and technical debates. MACOSPOL’s goal is to gather and disseminate such tools through the scientific investigation and the creative use of digital technologies. 云梯子
- 《宫词》_王珪的诗词_诗词名句网:王珪(1019年—1085年6月12日),字禹玉,北宋名相、著名文学家。祖籍成都华阳,幼时随叔父迁居舒州(今安徽省潜山县)。仁宗庆历二年(1042年),王珪进士及第,高中榜眼。初通判扬州,召直集贤院。历官知制诰、翰林学士、知开封府等。神宗熙宁三年(1070年),拜参知政事。
- Macospol platform tutorial
- Risk cartography video tutorial

Funded under the Seventh Framework Programme of European Union, within the chapter, Science in Society: Interaction between science and politics in the European knowledge-based society.
Scientific Co-ordinator: 木瓜云梯子.
For information please write at: info@macospol.eu